Fort Savane i Fort-de-France

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5, Rue de la liberté, 97200, Fort-de-France, FR
Kontakter telefon: +33 5 96 80 75 75
Latitude: 14.602882, Longitude: -61.068922
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Kommentar 5




    Moderno por dentro, no se dejen llevar por la fachada. Además, la ubicación es excelente.

  • Rashida Romeo

    Rashida Romeo


    The hotel is in a great location, near to eating and ferry services. It is kept clean as well. The only 2 issues were the appearance of limited supplies and the attitude of a lady working one evening in the reception office. There are 2 other guys working in reception that were great and hospitable.

  • D V

    D V


    Great view from the window (Fort Louis, park and sea). Clean, modern furniture, close to the covered market (option for lunch). Helpfull staf at the reception (Lorainne and young guy in afternoon shift on 24.1.2018.).

  • Adrian Toussaint

    Adrian Toussaint


    Amazing place. Stayed here in December, Chris and Mark (the front desk personnel) were very helpful and spoke basic English as well. The hotel is located in a safe and tourist area of Fort de France, they will provide a pass key in order to enter the building from the sidewalk or you'd need to buzz the front desk in order to enter. The room was very modern, just as advertised and I found that the kitchenette came in handy. In the end it was a great stay.

  • Shauna Charles

    Shauna Charles


    Fort Savane was great. It was ultra modern. Our receptionists Mark and Chris were very accommodating and pleasant. They spoke English very well and we were able to extend our check outs. The location was the best as well. We were located in a prime tourist area and the city is basically in your back yard! Our housekeeper, even though we never met her/him, was also the best. We had bought a bottle of wine the previous day and couldn't open it. The next day when we returned to the hotel room there was a cork screw along with a can opener since she/he observed that we were making use of the kitchenette. It was the most pleasant surprise. I will definitely recommend Fort Savanne and will return when I visit Martinique again.

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