La Pagerie **** - Hôtel & Restaurant i Les Trois-Îlets

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Rue du chacha, la pointe du bout, 97229, Les Trois-Îlets, MQ Martinique
Kontakter telefon: +596 596 66 05 30
Latitude: 14.555744, Longitude: -61.051567
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Kommentar 5

  • Luka Mikelic

    Luka Mikelic


    Very good hotel. Lots of restaurants nearby and excellent beach.

  • Michael Evanski

    Michael Evanski


    Absolutely wonderful hotel right in the center of town there are many local shops and restaurants within a few blocks of the hotel it has a bar a pool a bar at the pool and a restaurant all the rooms appear to have a balcony they are clean the staff is friendly and speaks English as well as French a wonderful place to stay

  • D. R. C.

    D. R. C.


    pleasant staff, limited knowledge of english, good location, evening entertainment in lobby. nice pool , clean hotel in good condition. They have a 10 to 15 car private parking lot. Their real "free" pkg is a public lot about 1/2 blk away. But Martinique is very crowded with cars, and the public lot is a benefit

  • Gloria Walls

    Gloria Walls


    Nice Hotel. Within walking distance of the beach and restaurants. The hotel has a restaurant, a pool and free Wi-Fi. Satellite TV in the rooms. Our room. was overlooking a garden.

  • Alicia Mills

    Alicia Mills


    Parfait. Great service. Comfortable and clean rooms.

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