La Porte Du Paradis i Fort-de-France

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12, Rue Anderson Bagoe, 97200, Fort-de-France, MQ Martinique
Kontakter telefon: +596 696 41 51 13
Latitude: 14.6274368, Longitude: -61.0582514
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Kommentar 5

  • ricardo carvalho

    ricardo carvalho


    Um espaço familiar e quer Marie quer Patrice muito disponíveis a ajudar em qualquer situação.

  • rubio avr

    rubio avr


  • percy fromm

    percy fromm


    This place is residential ,Room had No closets,tv,phone,toiletries & door have no safe lock,We stay March 2018 for 2 nights because there are no more room available to other hotel that near in Forte de France very disgusted with everything from the host & the place to the food,host is not informative at all ,they charge you so much money for the food that is not even taste good ,Home cook meal that very tasteless, The host Mary is not informative at all ,Our room is not even ready when we got there,she said she thought we cancel out reservations because many people cancel there reservations,now I know why,It’s not very comfortable bed,far from the beach,it’s a trashy dump place,bathtub,ceiling,wall & everything need to be paint or clean,The person who prepare the food never wash his hands as I’m watching him making us dinner ,he is smoking while preparing our dinner,he seems he is drunk & dont speak English nor understand so its very difficult to communicate with him,then after we check out they charge us 80 euro for 2 dinner which I don’t even eat & enjoy,I’m so disappointed but I just paid so we can get out there as fast as we can,Not very comfortable place to stay,WiFi is not working,every thing in the pictures are not the same as it looks.

  • Anto Di Sarno

    Anto Di Sarno


    Mary è Patrik fittano 4 stanze con bagno in una casa creole... Moderna!! Cucina grande e abbastanza attrezzata, ci hanno accolto con cocco e punch, Ottima la posizione, abbastanza confortevole la camera anche se non c'è armadio, almeno nella mia stanza, la cena che ci hanno preparato tipica creole però un poco cara

  • Laurie-anne serbin

    Laurie-anne serbin


    Vraiment très jolie villa bien située. J'ai hâte de passer mon séjour en toute sérénité pour très bientot.

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