La P'tite Madeleine i Fort-de-France

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7, Rue Blenac, 97200, Fort-de-France, MQ Martinique
Kontakter telefon: +596 696 35 74 94
Latitude: 14.603543, Longitude: -61.068972
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Kommentar 5

  • Jen Maing

    Jen Maing


    Personnel charmant j ai apprécié le temps que j y ai pensé. J ai passé un moment agréable et je recommande

  • Janique-ka John

    Janique-ka John


    It's a pity that you can't really notice this place from the outside! I was directed to this little cafe by a tour guide that i met in the street. It's a great atmosphere, air conditioned, friendly staff who can speak english and THERE ARE PLUGS!!! and free wifi. You can recharge your devices if you're on a long trip and need juice. The only downside is the price but honestly, it's not that bad as the food is quite good. (and you can charge your devices).

  • Brad Lagore

    Brad Lagore


    Charming and great tea

  • D Tobias

    D Tobias


    Worth visiting. Actually have a real espresso machine which is rare in Martinique.

  • Idrissa Magne

    Idrissa Magne


    I went there several times to taste their various options: "Madeleines", "Vanilla and salted butter caramel dome, hot chocolate, and chocolate cake. If the name of the place is La P'tite Madeleine, it's because "madeleines" are their specialty. You'll find sweet madeleines and salty ones. I had pistachio madeleines which ended up being a disappointment as they were too dry on the outside while the flavour was too chemical, too artificial. Not a sign of pistachio, just some green pistachio essence. Based on the reviews, I expected amazing hot chocolates, that's why I once ordered a "corsé" one. Well, my "corsé" turned out to a be a plain (and boring) hot cocoa. No amazing, flavourful or thick hot chocolate like I had in cities like Montreal or Paris... So, what did I enjoy? I enjoyed their chocolate cake; their vanilla and salted butter caramel Dome is good too but very filling.

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